Quantum Paper Club

Supersolidity in ultracold quantum gases: the simultaneous crystalline and superfluid nature of dipolar atoms

Quantum physics frequently gives rise to conceptual paradoxes that defy our classical intuition. In many-body quantum systems, interactions are key, especially when they dominate over kinetic energy. Their form and strength crucially define the existing strongly-correlated quantum phases of matter and dictate phenomena beyond the classical regime. Dipolar interactions, particularly relevant in strongly magnetic atoms,…

Quantum Paper Club

Performance constraints of NISQ quantum algorithms and their mitigation with 3D-integrated superconducting quantum devices

In recent years, the excitement around NISQ algorithms has diminished, partly due to the performance limitations of existing quantum computers. Devices with more qubits and lower error rates are necessary to realize the potential of quantum computing. In the first half of this talk, I will illustrate these performance limitations with the example of the…

Quantum Paper Club

Two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy in complex matter systems

Two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy (2DTS), a terahertz analogue of nuclear magnetic resonance, stands as a novel technique poised to address numerous open questions in complex condensed matter systems. The conventional theoretical framework, widely used for interpreting multidimensional spectra of discrete quantum-level systems, falls short in capturing the continua of collective excitations in strongly correlated materials, and…